You’re far better off just using GGGuy - Kyle’s Game Genie Guy! - to apply whichever Game Genie codes you like than bothering with this patch. The codes that were applied can be found on ĪJDV-4A4L No damage from attacking solid objects

There are several needless edits to the script and credits, they can be pasted over with the text from the original ROM, but why bother when it’s quick and easy to add your own choice of cheats to the game. The script changes are unnecessary and not amusing, they were achieved by opening up the ROM in a hex editor and changing each letter from random phrases in the game, so in the original game a line of text would be, “ROADKILL, BUDDY!” but in this it’s, “CHOCOMILK BUDDY!” and lines like, “NICE KNOWING YOU, SKETCH TURNER!” become, “NICE KNOWING YOU, CALCIUM KID!!!” complete with the redundant exclamation marks to fill the space. Why Ice Tea was made to look like Milk for this patch, I have no idea. Like other Vikfield “hacks”, this is just a couple of Game Genie codes that have been applied to the ROM using GGGuy.exe. The “milk bottles” completely heal Sketch.The objects no longer reduce the health of the Sketch when he attacks them with any type of blow or kick.(In other words), Improvements of this version: Now that you’ve grown big and strong like Melvin the elephant, do you think you can defeat Mordus and his filthy henchmen and return to the real world leaving behind an incredible life of super hero and return to be a hungry loser comix artist? Likewise, the excessive consumption of dairy products has caused the metabolism of Sketch to take advantage of 100% the nutrients of a refreshing glass of milk, thus fully healed after each drink. It’s been 26 long years since sketch turner got caught up in his own comic, being forced to face powerful creatures, defiant puzzles and solid rocks… yes, solid rocks and barrels and other adamantium objects that deprive sketch the right to live with its imposing hardness!!!, but now, thanks to its strict training and diet based on dairy products, Sketch Turner (better known now as “The Calcium Kid”), has developed large and strong bones capable of shattering any obstacle that stands between him and the final page, without receiving a single scratch.