Super rub dub pc game
Super rub dub pc game

super rub dub pc game

Got pneumonia, downloaded tons of roms to occupy my time, and GOT INTO GAMING AGAIN. I bought another Genesis, and forgot about it. The Genesis was sold, the Saturn stuffed away. I eventually was disillusioned with Sega and turned to Guitar more than games. No system has done that since I BEGGED for a Saturn and proceeeded to play the 3 bundled games for 3 weeks until I mowed the lawn and sold enough aluminium cans to the recycling center enough to buy Nights. All I know is those 'hardcore gamer' games hold no appeal to me, and the people into them tend to be people whom do things I hold no interest in. The people I think of when I picture people laying GTA games have baseball caps on and spend more time at parties drinking beer, and other stereotypical jock things that I don't do. People that do thinks other than play games? In fact, I don't really know what that means.

super rub dub pc game

I really think that developers and nintendo(well, the industry in general) has their eyes crossed thinking the Wii is for 'casual' gamers. If they used established hardware that people were willing to use assembly for as well as a little of their own stuff(and gave them C for that with the assembler) then systems wouldn't need 12 fans or cost more than my first car. I don t like the current trend of using Apis layered over APIs and hardware more powerful than PCs. I didn't read them until you mentioned that.

Super rub dub pc game