Uploading Large Files to IIS
Uploading Large Files to IIS

Uploading Large Files to IIS

I've also included snippets from the log file when using the reverse proxy and when I have direct connection on port 449. So this leads me to believe the issue is with the IIS reverse proxy or how I may have it configured. With this configuration I am able to upload files larger than 20mb without an issue. This can be checked/changed in the Request Filtering section of IIS Manager. I created an additional HTTPS listener on port 449 and created a firewall port forwarding rule to forward that port directly to the Cerberus server. IIS may also limit the file sizing for upload. I did some testing and uploads larger than 20mb work fine when I access the Cerberus web client from an internal computer. I've taken screen shots of the error messages below. If I upload a file smaller than 19-20mb the upload works fine. One at the top says "Unable to communicate with the server: Your session may have timed out" and "null Unknown error". With this setup I can login, navigate the folder structure, download files, and everything seems good except when I try to upload any file approximately larger than 19-20 mb. I have it setup to forward https requests for the Cerberus Web Client to the Cerberus FTP server on my internal network. I've been using the reverse proxy for several years and works fine. If you have MAXIMUMUPLOADFILESIZEMEGABYTES property set to a large value (say 50 MB) and are still running into problems uploading large files. I have an IIS reverse proxy setup to forward http & https requests to my internal network/servers.

Uploading Large Files to IIS

I have an interesting one here.I'm doing some testing with Cerberus 11.3. Let’s discuss about the settings that you should modify in order to enable the allowance of uploading image files of sizes that are more than 30 MB.

Uploading Large Files to IIS