Anthropologie, V6lker- CSG forschung und kolonialen Kulturwandel, Braunschweig D Archiv f. BTC BOR BSE C Anthropos, Salzburg CN Asia and the Americas, Orange Archiv f. EDTOR KEY TO ABBREVATONS A AATA AFA AfMw AfrM ALP AM AmZ AR AsM B BAMS BAOF BB BEFEO Bijd. See also for a rough classification of more recent publications: S and S27. For more detailed bibliographic data vide Nrs. Blume (ed.) in Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Kennedy in Bibliography 0/ ndonesian Peoples and Cultures and by F. Where possible, abbreviations have been made conform to the systems used by R. However, Asian author's names do not always follow consistent rules: in some proper names oe and u are interchangeable, the Javanese i has either been replaced by a or by 0 to this there are no cross-references.

ndonesian orthography has been followed in the spelling of ndonesian and romanized Javanese words in the original titles. added as indices to the reference numbers.

The original bibliography has been typographically revised and brought up to date as much as possible up to Additions can be identified by the capital letters A, B, C, etc.